Invoice Autumn Term 2024

Invoice date 1st July 2024


Days Session Nos.  Cost

Autumn Term 2024

Saturday to Friday

13 x £15


 Payment methods:

Bank Transfer

Bank:  Starling Bank

Account Name:  KidsArt Limited

Account Number:  18007374

Sort Code:  608371

Ref:  Child’s Name


PayPal link here

Payment by 30th July to guarantee place

Autumn term dates:

Saturday 7th September to Friday 13th December but for Finchley see below

 Half term Saturday 26th October to Friday 1st November

Finchley Thursday class has no session 3rd October and term begins 5th September

Finchley Saturday class has no session 12th October and term ends 14th December

Booking terms and conditions – here!
