Studio Leader/Assistant – Your contract


Studio:  KidsArt! Studio in Finchley N12 or as otherwise agreed on appointment. 

Fees:  Separate rates for term time classes and holiday programmes, each as from time to time agreed on appointment.

Hours:  As agreed on appointment and to include sufficient time for set up and clearing.  Please allow sufficient travelling time to ensure prompt arrival.

Injury / illness:  Please do let us know as soon as you can if you cannot attend any class so we can either arrange a substitute or, worst-case, cancel. 

Duties:  Set up classroom and clear after lesson (including washing palettes, jars and brushes and cleaning table and hoovering).  Deliver lesson as planned.  Ensure health and safety of the children attending.  Safe keeping of KidsArt! materials and children’s art works and personal possessions.  Conduct yourself professionally at all times when dealing with children and adults.  Report on attendance, any direct payments, fresh enquiries, etc.

Employment and tax status:  You are not a KidsArt! employee, as your work will be part-time only (typically only a few hours a week) and we appreciate that you will undertake other work/educational courses that take up the rest of your time.  You are therefore responsible for any personal tax and national insurance payable and will reimburse KidsArt Limited for any employment taxes, National Insurance, etc. it incurs which you should pay as a self-employed worker.

KidsArt! Property:  At all times act to promote the interests of KidsArt! and respect its brand and proprietary trademarks, class programmes, art-works, know-how, web content, copyright materials and other intellectual property (together, ‘KidsArt! Property’).  No unauthorised use of any KidsArt! Property and KidsArt! Property should not be stored on your personal devices (phones, etc.) but deleted after the end of each term.  Keep personal data confidential. Any images of children and  / or their artwork taken on your personal devices should be taken only for sending back to KidsArt! and deleted immediately thereafter.

Private tuition, etc.:  Occasionally, you may be asked if you can provide private tuition, run private parties, etc. for KidsArt! enrolled students or students that KidsArt! teaches privately or others where there is a KidsArt! connection. Please refer all such opportunities first to KidsArt! for consent and booking (if you accept without consent you agree to account to KidsArt! for all monies received). This also applies to enquiries which come through or are referred to you by parents/guardians of KidsArt! students. 

Termination:  Termination by notice for any reason on reasonable notice at the end of any term / holiday programme or by KidsArt! at any time during the term / holiday programme, if reasonable cause.

Safeguarding Policy:  Our current policy can be accessed here.  Please read and adhere to. 


© KidsArt Limited, 2024